Green Valley Tennis Club strives to maintain an atmosphere of good sportsmanship, collegiality and respect for Club rules and procedures. Such an atmosphere is necessary for the smooth functioning of a busy tennis club that attracts members and guests of varying ages, genders and playing levels. Conduct by individual members that does not meet appropriate standards detracts from the playing or observing experience of others and may harm the reputation of the Club in the tennis community and impair its ability to attract new members and succeed as a business. Such conduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The Club has adopted a Code of Conduct that designates certain behaviors as unacceptable and that outlines procedures for identifying and addressing such behaviors. The following is a non-exhaustive list of behaviors that are deemed unacceptable:
1. Unsportsmanlike conduct while playing, including the use of foul language; obscene gestures; unduly disruptive behavior; racquet throwing or racquet “abuse”; ball “abuse”; or fighting over calls 2. Disregard of established Club procedures, including time-clock rules 3. Negative comments made after playing time has expired and players are asked to relinquish a court or fighting over court availability 4. Violation of Club rules relating to the closing of the Club or the closing of specific courts when the courts are wet 5. Comments or conduct that reflect hostility to or lack of respect for women 6. Comments or conduct that reflect hostility to or lack of respect for guests playing at the Club, including non-members involved in league matches.
Penalties Club members, including shareholders, who engage in unacceptable conduct will be subject admonitions, fines, restrictions on membership rights, revocation of membership or such other discipline as the Board deems appropriate, depending on the nature of the behavior at issue and any history of unacceptable behavior. Reporting of Unacceptable Behavior Unacceptable behavior may be reported to the Club by email to the following address: Each report should specify the date and time of the infraction, the location of the infraction and the nature of the misconduct. The Board or its designee will not conduct hearings or become involved in credibility disputes with respect to allegations of unacceptable behavior. All determinations made by the Board or its designee with respect to unacceptable behavior will be final. Any member who engages in unacceptable conduct is expected to self-report his or her misconduct with 48 hours of any incident. Self-reporting will be considered by the Board in determining whether to take action and the nature of the action.
All SUMMER outdoor flex league participants must be paid members of Green Valley Tennis Club during the league. See below for fall/winter indoor flex league participation. Fall/Winter Flex Leagues do allow nonmembers but require additional $5 fee paid per match. All fall/winter players must pay a league fee of $35 to EVNAPO in order to be registered for the league. The schedule of matches and player contact information will be emailed to league participants. Players can play on the day and time of their choice that is suitable for both opponents. Players must attempt to follow the schedule as much as possible with the goal being to complete one match per week with all of the matches completed by the end of the round.
Scheduling Matches -Matches are scheduled by following the league schedule and opponents contacting each other using the contact info provided. It is common courtesy to respond immediately to requests for a match, even if you are not available. If players know they will be unavailable for a particular week, they should contact their opponent ahead of time and reschedule the match for either before or after the week scheduled.
Reporting Match Results– Report all results/scores on as instructed. Report any problems with score reporting to league coordinator by email as soon as possible after the completion of matches — Please copy your opponent when reporting results.
Court Grooming– Both players must sweep the court after match completion.
Winning – Player / Team who: 1) Wins two “sets”. A “set” is won by winning 6 games by a margin of two with set tiebreaker played at 6 all OR 2) If the first set is not finished when time is up, the player who is ahead in the first set. OR 3) Player who won the first set and ahead or tied in the second set when time up. OR 4) The players split sets and the player is ahead in the 3rd set when time is up
Tiebreakers – 7 points win by two. A tiebreaker is played at 6:6 Ties – A match is tied if there is no winner by above rules. (Example: A player won the first set, and is behind or lost the second set or the players split sets and are tied in the 3rd). Scoring – The winning player receives 10 points, their opponent receives 3. In a tie, both players get 5 points. The loser of a 3-set match gets 5 points. No points will be awarded unless the match has actually been played. A default win or withdrawal before the match starts does not earn any points.
Third Set – For Doubles/ Mixed Doubles matches it is NOT mandatory to play a third set. Players may decide to play a 10-point super tiebreaker for the set, but all players must agree.
Match End – The match ends when a player/team wins 2 sets or the time is up. The definition for ” time is up” for summer play is when the players for the next match come on the court. Only the score of actually finished games within the allowed time counts. Players must play until either the match is finished or their time is up, whichever is earlier. If a player stops playing earlier for injury or other reasons, that player loses the match. Two options for matches not completed when time is up is: move to another open court if one is available, or continue the match on another day. If a match is to be continued on another day, it has to be played within one week or the initial score is final. In both cases all players must agree to continue the match or the score is final. Fall & Winter Flex League matches end when the allotted 1.5 hours concludes despite any availability of open court time following the scheduled match.
Disputes – In case of a dispute, players must keep playing the match in the scheduled time, and report the dispute to the league director, who will make a final decision.
Playoffs -The top players (2 or 4 depending on league size) will participate in a playoff to determine the league champion. Tennis Balls – Both players bring a can of new balls and the winner keeps the new can.
Playing Time – Playing time indoors is 1 1⁄2 hours. No extra time is allowed, even if the court is open, and even if the play is interrupted by interference, for example by next players walking on court early. When time expires, only completed games count toward final score.
Cost – Fall & Winter Flex Leagues will have a mandatory prepaid league fee of $35 per player. The indoor court rates for 90min match Singles: cost $35 non-members; $30 winter member. Doubles: $15 each for members; $20 each for nonmembers. Pay Evgeny at time of play in advance by cash or check to EVNAPO. Credit Cards not accepted! Rules revised Oct 2016.
Court reservations – Indoor players must confirm a court with Evgeny by emailing him at or calling/text him at (609) 502-0549. You can play practically at any time you want, provided courts are available. |